Monday, December 25, 2017

The Best Way To Succeed In Life Is To Be A Curator

We all want the best things in life if given the choice and the power to do so. Whether it’s our personal or professional life, striving for the ideal situation is what most people aim to achieve. As a result, our hunger for it all brings the need for hard work and doing whatever it takes, but it can come at a price.

The process of ‘gaining the best’ can often consume us to the point where we’re wanting to do and have everything. The problem comes when it starts to eat into us and we start to lack appreciation for what we’ve already collected and achieved. We don’t take stock and fully enjoy what our hard work has brought to our lives because we’re busy chasing the next best thing.

It’s because of this that it’s vital to learn how to be a curator and only select the very best for our lives. This creates space for the appreciation to grow and really be mindful of what’s really best for us and brings us the most happiness.

Why We Need To Stop Chasing Too Much of the Best

Ambition is a wonderful thing. It’s gives us goals to strive for and become the success we want to be to live a fulfilled life. Coming from a genuine and happy mindset, this will only add value to your life.

The problem occurs when it comes from a space of not wanting to lose out and the idea that having more is somehow better. We’re inclined to believe that having more keeps us feeling safe and prevents those inevitable ‘what ifs’ that pop up in our mind.

In today’s society, we’re easily influenced by others in our quest for greatness. Social media, celebrity influencers and even our own peers who show their lives on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram can have a big affect on how we see ourselves. What others are doing, where their careers are heading, what they’re buying or where they’re travelling, to opens up the opportunity to compare and evaluate your current life direction and can lead you to wanting more and more.

The result of this can mean doing too much and having too much on your plate. With material possessions, your house is filling up with things you want but don’t need. Perhaps you take on more hobbies or projects outside of work that leads to feeling exhausted and stretched out.

The illusion of striving to get more only allows you to be less mindful and appreciative of what you already have and what you’ve already achieved.

The Reason Why You Must Be a Curator in Your Own Life

What makes a museum great? It’s the things you don’t see; the stuff that’s not on the walls or in the showcases. It’s the art of saying no and making the most of the best.

A curator’s job is making those conscious decisions about what stays and what goes. It’s essentially an editing process – there’s much more stuff off the walls than on the walls and what’s left is the best of the best or a sub-subset of all the possibilities.

It’s extremely important to make sure you check your motivation when it comes to striving for your achievements. Is it because you love it? Can you see the genuine benefit for your growth? Or is it to look good to others or compete with your peers?

Understanding that it’s the quality of things that matter, how they benefit you and knowing what’s beneficial to one person may not be beneficial to you, is crucial to success. Having the right perspective is key. When you look at other people’s lives, adverts, or even certain movies, it’s not the whole picture you’re seeing. People naturally only want you to see the best of them, showing what makes them look successful and happy but carefully editing out the negatives. Being mindful of this is extremely important in your quest for success.

Don’t compare. Be aware of the motivation behind what you want to succeed at and strive for what’s achievable and relevant to your own life.

The Best Way To Succeed in Your Life Journey

The two main points to take away in order to succeed in a happy and wholesome way is to be a curator for your life and your decisions but also to enjoy the process. Stick to what’s essential and don’t get bogged down with what you believe you should be chasing or what you should be possessing. Pare things down until you’re left with the most important things – whether it’s emptying your wardrobe, clearing out a room or evaluating what your short and long term life goals are. Then do it again. You can always add things back later if you need to but you’ll most likely find that what you’re left with is enough to focus on and keep you fulfilled.

Enjoy this process and don’t get caught up with the achievements and results. The journey is what’s important here including the growth you gain from going after something. This is where the magic really happens. Focus on the few but important goals so you can really get the best out of yourself and life as a whole.

Featured photo credit: Startup Stock Photos via

The post The Best Way To Succeed In Life Is To Be A Curator appeared first on Lifehack.

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