Monday, December 25, 2017

Fed Up Challenges America about the Dangers of Her Eating Habit

Obesity is a serious issue. Statistics show that 95% of all Americans will be overweight or obese in two decades. This will lead to high rates of diabetes and the worst public health crises the world has never seen. Fed Up is a documentary with a mission to open the eyes of Americans to the impending danger and get them to change their eating habit.

Government Ignorance Exposed

Fed Up shows how the US government and allies ignored the effects of dietary sugars in increasing obesity and other diseases when making its dietary guidelines 30 years ago. It also talks about how companies took advantage of the loophole in the guidelines to add sugar to foods without limitation. The documentary film discusses how many children now face an uncertain future that will be characterized by the struggle to curtail health risk issues. As people began aware of the relationship between poor health and sugary foods they make attempts to take action. The film shows how the powerful sugar industry has frustrated every effort by parents, communities, and activists to get the attention of the government to end the crisis.

Fed Up shows how the sugar industry has contributed to the poor health of American children. The parents want to get the attention of the government to put an end to the menace but are meeting stiff resistance from lobbyists loyal to the big sugar companies. The film teaches Americans about taking responsibility for what they and their children are eating to avoid poor health.

The shocking truth about sugars

Filmmaker Stephanie Soechtig; Katie Couric, narrator and Executive Producer; and Laurie David (Oscar Winning Producer of An Inconvenient Truth) team up to deliver a shocking revelation to the American people about the dangers of the sugar-based diet. The FED UP documentary will change the way you think about food forever. The fact that there are 600,000 food items in America and 80% of them have added sugars in them is enough to make anyone sit up.

Wake up call

The film leaves no space for subtle talking. It delivers verifiable statistics and facts from the most reliable sources to drive home the point that America is getting sick and something has to be done now before catastrophe strikes. Fed Up includes interview of high profile experts including former US president Bill Clinton and Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D., a world renowned researcher on the effect of obesity on public health. The film also adds an interesting ending where it publishes the list of people who refused to talk to them while making the documentary. Fed Up is recommended for everyone including parents and kids to see why they have to take responsibility for their health.

Save and watch the movie to educate yourself about dangers that sugary food possesses to you and the future generations.

To Watch Fed Up, Click Here.

The post Fed Up Challenges America about the Dangers of Her Eating Habit appeared first on Lifehack.

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