Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Endless Battle Between Good and Popular

Have you ever watched an awards show and wondered how the judges reached their decision? Specifically, is it really the most talented artists who receive accolades, or is it just about popularity? Some argue that it doesn’t matter how accomplished you are – if your work is not popular, it will never be perceived as “good.”

Let’s take the Grammys as an example. The Best New Artist, Song Of The Year, Record Of The Year, and Album Of The Year categories could theoretically be won by an artist of any musical genre. However, no classical work has ever won one of these awards.[1] Year after year, the Grammy judges seem to reward musicians who are popular, as opposed to those who are “good.”

Looking at the numbers, Taylor Swift’s “1989” won the 2016 Best Album award, whereas Adele’s “25” has been nominated for the 2017 prize. Both these albums have sold in their millions – “1989” sold five million copies by July 2015, and “25” sold over nine million copies in 2016. It would appear that there’s a clear split between “good” and “popular.”

How does this split come about?

At the beginning of an artist’s career, they use their creativity as a means of expressing their feelings. When they make music or create a painting, their aim is to work through difficult emotions and restore a state of contentment and calm. If the result isn’t to their liking, they work hard to make it as good as possible – perfection is the end goal for beginner artists. Popularity isn’t their first priority.

However, as someone learns their craft, they start to crave more attention, and to let others share in their work. Unfortunately, because art is subjective, their audience might not understand what they are trying to achieve, which can be disheartening. At this point, they have an epiphany – if they want to gain popularity and a wider audience, they need to tailor their art to the masses.

The typical artist will then work around other people’s tastes. Their first priority is no longer excellence. Instead, their focus has shifted to increasing their personal popularity.

Good vs Popular

People who focus on producing good work instead of popular end to strive for excellence. They do not care what other people think, and they know that it isn’t always a good idea to follow the crowd. In fact, the masses may not actually care what is best for them, and simply want them to churn out popular works. People who place “good” over “popular” are also free to be more creative.

At the same time, people who do not care whether their work is popular runs the risk of ignoring constructive criticism. They can become too single-minded, and may also become depressed if only a small minority of the population enjoy their work.

On the other hand, people who cater for a wide audience create pieces of work that take into account multiple perspectives, because they are concerned with the opinions of other people. Popular works are more commercially successful, and these people can gain a lot of satisfaction when they achieve a wide audience.

The downside is that people who try to appeal to the majority will lose their personal creativity. They might even develop a reputation as a predictable, “boring” person who produces a string of similar works. When you create things primarily for others, rather than yourself, it can become impersonal and bland.

Those who strive to be popular turn into people-pleasers. When your identity is tied up with your reputation, it’s a constant battle to keep up with the latest fashions. People who try to live up to others’ expectations will run into problems, because the whims and tastes of the public will change over time. A popular person may succeed in changing themselves to suit the majority of their fans, but this could come at a cost of their personal development. They might shift over time, but perhaps not for the better.

However, people who strive to simply produce good work and be the best of themselves can also stall in their development. They may stubbornly refuse to listen to others, and might never evolve beyond the present state.

Why not have both?

When you aim to be either good or popular, you will run into trouble. The answer is to make great stuff, but also takes the perspective of others into account. You need to remain true to your vision, yet remain open to comments and criticism from outsiders. When you combine your vision with the needs of your audience, you have a winning combination.

Let’s look at how this can work in practice. The Japanese lifestyle brand MUJI upholds the principle of minimalism. They take pride in producing high-quality products that come with few features. However, they also cater to a wide market by offering shoppers functionality. For example, they strive to create items that fit with their minimalist aesthetic, but they also take the average person’s needs into account, offering everyday items such as pens and notebooks that fit their philosophy.[2]

Just because our culture tends to divide us into these two categories doesn’t mean that you can’t balance both in you. The trick is to get clear about what you are trying to achieve, and stick to your principles – yet at the same time remaining open to new influences.

The next time you create something, work until it’s the best you can make it, be the best self you can be. Once you are satisfied, ask others for their opinion. Listen carefully, but don’t automatically assume they are right! Keep your integrity intact, and be what makes you happy. It’s great to bring joy to other people’s lives, but your self-respect is important too.


The post The Endless Battle Between Good and Popular appeared first on Lifehack.

Let All Family Members Contribute To Grocery Shopping List With This App

When going to the grocery store, it is a common practice to get a piece of paper and write down a list of items you will need. This method of reminder is as old as paper itself.

While a lot of people still use it, some others type it on their phones and constantly bring it out of the bag to check and uncheck lists of items while shopping. Both methods are effective but why suffer the stress of using them when there is a far better option?

Here at Lifehack we introduce you “Bring! Grocery Shopping List.” Almost everything has an app today, and grocery shopping will not be an exception.

What Makes It Better Than Other Grocery Shopping Apps?

Bring! Grocery Shopping List a phone app which allows you create multiple grocery shopping lists to suit your lifestyle and budget. You even get to share the lists with friends if you like. Over two million mobile phone users around the world are already using this app. You can easily download that app on your phone, and if you are wondering how it works, this is how to use it.

Lists Are Easy To Build With Clear Icons

When you download and install Bring! Grocery Shopping List, start to build your grocery list as it suits your needs. It is very easy, just open as many lists as you want to make. To avoid getting confused and mixing it up, rename each list along with a background picture to distinguish so you can comfortably pick a list whenever you want to.

The design of using icons instead of inputting text makes Brings more user friendly than other shopping lists out there. Now that you have your lists properly built and personalized, you can start adding items by picking icons to each list. Very easy! You don’t have to type a million times to finish your list.

Shopping List is now collaborative!

So you are done preparing your grocery lists and you would like friends to have a look and participate? Simple!All you have to do is type in the email address of the friend you want to share your list with. When you do that, Bring! will send a message, inviting the person to the app and automatically, your list. As soon as they get the app installed on their phones, they can have access to your list and can do some editing on it.

This App Will Upgrade Your Shopping Experience

This app can save you a lot of time running back and forth the grocery store to pick up stuff you forget that you family asked you to get or some last minute request. Now everyone can contribute to the list, you can set a deadline for everyone so they know when’s the latest they have to complete the list so you won’t miss out anyone!

Bring! Grocery Shopping List can also be operated from your watch where it is even more fun to use. Just launch Bring! And pick one of your lists. Swipe left and right to view items on your preferred list and start shopping.

Bring! Grocery Shopping List app is available on app store and play store for free. Yes! It is free of charge and with the user-friendly interface, sharing feature and multiple lists, this is one app you definitely must check out. So, start listing and get shopping with Bring! Grocery Shopping List.

The post Let All Family Members Contribute To Grocery Shopping List With This App appeared first on Lifehack.

Steve Jobs Knew Exactly Where He Needed To Go For His "Apple" of The Eye

Steve Jobs is no doubt one of the greatest men in the modern technology world, and what he says are always worshipped. We saw his passion towards design and technology, and after failures of his projects, he never stopped pursuing his vision for Apple, the quote here is the reflection of his life.

The post Steve Jobs Knew Exactly Where He Needed To Go For His “Apple” of The Eye appeared first on Lifehack.

The Life Changing Magic of Getting a Person to Change Their Mind, Even Yourself

Wіth thоѕе we саrе about, we trу аnd try аnd trу. Sometimes wе need tо dо іt оurѕеlvеѕ, but wе resist. Yes, I’m tаlkіng аbоut сhаngе, раrtісulаrlу оf оur minds. And аѕ оur knоwlеdgе оf hоw оur brаіnѕ wоrk ѕtаrtѕ tо аlіgn wіth оbѕеrvеd bеhаvіоr, wе’rе starting tо gеt confirmation thаt changing mіndѕ іѕ роѕѕіblе. But wе hаvе tо be forced into thе unсоmfоrtаblе ѕіtuаtіоn оf hоldіng twо opposing іdеаѕ іn оur mіnd mоmеnt for thе mаgіс tо happen.

Hаvе уоu еvеr nоtісеd thаt ѕоmе реорlе are better аt persuading thаn others? And that ѕоmе people аrе mоrе rеѕіѕtаnt than оthеrѕ tо attempts tо сhаngе thеіr mіnd? It’ѕ hаrd enough tо persuade someone wіth аn ореn mind, but it’s еvеn mоrе difficult to сhаngе ѕоmеоnе’ѕ mіnd when thеу ѕtrоnglу dіѕаgrее wіth уоu.

Change of Mind Occurs Gradually, Never Expect Anything Instant

In the article The life-changing magic of getting a person to change their mind—even yourself by Suzanne Cope, she states that the key to success is confronting cognitive dissonance, the state of mental discomfort one feels when holding two or more conflicting beliefs or worldviews at the same time. Coming to terms with cognitive dissonance facilitates what the adult learning theorist Jack Mezirow called tansformational learning – identifying and addressing our biases through action, becoming a bit more tolerant along the way.

Bеаr іn mіnd thаt most оf the time–if nоt аlwауѕ–а сhаngе оf mind occurs grаduаllу. Even a ѕееmіnglу ѕuddеn change of mind comes аftеr a реrіоd оf questioning, rеаѕѕеѕѕmеnt, аnd іnсrеmеntаl change. Oftеn the lаѕt ѕtrаw is thе оnе we nоtісе, but thеrе mау hаvе been many unnоtісеd оnеѕ ѕеttіng thе ѕtаgе fоr change. Thuѕ, уоu ѕhоuld bеgіn уоur efforts to реrѕuаdе as еаrlу as possible аnd wоrk аt it over a period оf tіmе. This article саn help уоu kеер trасk оf whаt уоu need to dо whеn trуіng to change someone’s mіnd.

To read the full article, click here.

The post The Life Changing Magic of Getting a Person to Change Their Mind, Even Yourself appeared first on Lifehack.

Are You The Odd One Out?

Everyone is looking for success and it is surely not that easy to achieve. It’s the thought that counts that help us get out of bed in the morning and keeps us up at night to pursue our passion. Most constantly work all their lives and would still not leave a single mark in history. So how then can we try to set ourselves apart? Is it purely hard work or doing something at the right time?

We strive day and night to find the answers to our questions. How did Bill Gates make it, how did Steve Jobs create his Apple empire? How can we replicate their success or create a new one for ourselves? These are just some of the questions we may ask ourselves from time to time. In Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an inspiring journey into the minds of successful people in the world.

Journey of the successful

The book follows some of the most successful personalities from each area of history. The book follows how Bill Gates achieved his immense wealth, how the Beatles came to be the most popular band in history. He follows different factors that might have affected them, their culture, their birth month, their upbringing and struggles. The book repeatedly mentions the’10,000 hour rule’; the rule states that to succeed in any fielding practice is the key.

What makes the successful different?

In his book, Malcolm Gladwell refers to a select few as the ‘outliers’ – the best of the best, the successful and the rich. He explains to us how the elite are different from us and how we are missing out on understanding their success. He answers this by stating that we pay too much attention to their post-success lifestyle when instead we should focus on their past. Their upbringing, their education, their struggles, these are the things we should focus on, they bring us closer to them and give us a better understanding of them because we can see them in our shoes. This helps with decision making and boosts confidence in our abilities.

The book is a must-read for anyone that is wanting to succeed. The in-depth interview with Bill Gates provides readers with an insight into the mind of the richest man in the world, and is inspiring to young people everywhere.

Reading duration: 6 hours 56 mins

Get Outliers: The Story of Success from Amazon at $12.35.

The post Are You The Odd One Out? appeared first on Lifehack.

What You Can Learn From Over 5000 Years Ago That Will Help You Today

History is inevitable. The wisest are men who have learnt from their history. Human history is filled with a blend of good and bad moments; events that mark the creation of the present world and as we known it.History is not merely a reminder of crime and man’s dispute with others but also a garden of flowers with each flower possessing a unique fragrance; a space in mind where thousands of saints, artists, warriors, philosophers still live and preach their expertise.

In The Lessons of History, Will and Ariel Durant have described all the good factors about history,giving us a glimpse of human civilisation and the norms that connect us to our ancestors. It makes a relation between us and the people who lived thousands of years ago.

In this book, Durant gives a bird’s eye view of human civilisation. This book is a succession of the 10 volumes “History of Civilisation” and was first published in 1968, making it one of the most thought provoking books of the 20th century and is a must read for any history enthusiast.

As you go along the book, it unveils all the mysteries about human history and connects the species that are thousands of years apart from each other in an emotional yet attractive way. The writer has combined the concepts of social sciences, human psychology and economics in a creative way.

Why is history important?

History allows us to feel connected to our roots and develop a relationship with our ancestors. Only through history can we learn many different lessons necessary for our success and deliverance. History reveals the secrets and opens to us the doors of knowledge we seek every day.

History teaches us that society is a game of survival. The strong will rule and the weak will get oppressed by the forced rules implemented by the stronger society. However, certain events can bring the whole world together to fight and stand for the same cause. This sudden change in the behavior and needs of the entire world will be occurring because of the history and the lessons history has taught us.

Reading duration: 2 hours 38 minutes

GetThe Lessons of History from Amazon at $8.98

The post What You Can Learn From Over 5000 Years Ago That Will Help You Today appeared first on Lifehack.