Saturday, September 30, 2017

This is The One Meditation App You Absolutely Need To Install On Your Phone

Life gets hectic. Nowadays with our insane schedules, stress has become a common emotion that we all feel at a continuous rate. We live in a busy and distracting world where we are constantly getting notified and updated with unnecessary information. People are constantly in a hurry and there never seems to be enough time.

The worst part is that setting aside a time for ourselves has become some kind of unattainable luxury. We neglect the importance of taking the time to be present and still. Although there is a ton of research supporting the benefits of meditation, truly dedicating ourselves to the practice is nearly impossible. It’s hard to break away from the distractions and settle our minds in the little that time we have.

The concept of meditation seems easy enough, but vague. You just need to be focused and calm and allow your mind to become clear. The actual practice, however, is not so simple despite its focus on simplicity. Our brains are wired to be constantly on the go, jumping from task to task. The art of being mindful and present requires a high level of self-discipline. Something that many people think they just don’t have the time to accomplish.

You don’t have time to be stressed

Although we think that we don’t have the time to be mindful and present, what we really don’t have the time for is the issues that come along with stress.

When you are experiencing stress, that is your body transitioning into “fight or flight mode”. This causes your heart rate to increase, your pupils to dilate, all of your senses are heightened, and blood is drained away from the digestive tract and pumped into your muscles and limbs. Everything around you is perceived as a threat.

When our nerves are constantly on the age, it can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, a weakened immune system, and will cause the body to age more quickly. If that last fact doesn’t snap you to attention, I don’t know what else will. Stress is literally stealing your youth.

Heightened stress responses will ultimately lead to depression which just opens up a whole other ugly can of worms. This may cause you to socially withdrawal, taking a toll on your relationships and ability to maintain them.

When it all gets to be too much, you may act rashly and make wrong decisions purely out of frustration. Lessening your load is important, but you don’t want to act impulsively just to get something off of your plate. That just creates another mess.

Now you can relax and let Calm the App work it’s magic

Introducing: Calm.

The convenient mediation app that you can always have at your disposal despite your hectic schedule. Like many meditative apps, it provides you with calming music and natural sound effects. But that’s not all! The unique feature that makes this a must-have item is the instructed meditation courses that you can use anywhere, anytime.

Many of us lack the ability to sit still and zone out. With the aid of an instructor, you’ll know where to guide your thoughts so you can maintain your focus.

No wonder Calm is the most popular mediation app used worldwide

There are a variety of courses and features to choose from to fit your needs and schedule.

Just pick your course, select the length of your session, and relax.

Regain Your Stillness by using “7 Days of Calm”

Learn the basics of mediation in just 7 days! Calm also offers a more intensive 21 day course. Do you have 3 weeks to become the master of your own mind?

Schools can be stressful, use “College Collection” that specific for College Students’s needs

This is meditation 101 for busy college students. If anyone understands stress, it’s undergrads. Impossible workloads, while maintaining a job and decent grade point average? Yikes!

Develop self-compassion and remind yourself that you are lovable

When you’re relaxed, you’re more open and welcoming to others. Not only that, but you are more open to yourself. Fall back in love with yourself through guided meditation.

There are dozens of courses to choose from. Choose the one that fits your mood and goal in mind. You’ll be calm in no time.

Available for Apple and Android!

The post This is The One Meditation App You Absolutely Need To Install On Your Phone appeared first on Lifehack.

"You Must Stay Offline To Read This" Offers You A Peaceful Place to Stay Focus and Read

Keeping up with a constant onslaught of notifications and texts is exhausting. We live in an age in which our phones have the same functionality as our computers. People can reach out to us 24/7.

The constant disruptions are overwhelming. Even when I am able to put aside email and turn off my notifications, I still get distracted. Looking up a piece of information can result in a 45-minute trip down the internet rabbit hole. Sitting still and staying focused for even ten minutes can seem like a Herculean feat. It can be hard to concentrate and consume meaningful content when we have so much content at our fingertips.

Not only does this constant wave of distraction feel terrible–it’s bad for us. When our attention becomes divided by the busy online world, we have trouble forming memories and thinking deeply.[1] We’re actually reprogramming our brains to perform on a shallow level by jumping from notification to notification.

It’s time to unplug

Even though we live in a world in which you’re more likely to see people staring at their cellphones than interacting with one another, it’s possible to read offline. There’s no law that says that you must frantically scroll through social media when you’re waiting for your friends, standing in line at the grocery store, or hanging out at the bus stop.

Before smartphones became popular, we used to live offline most of the time. It’s still possible to do this–even with technology in our pockets. Many apps that you love already include offline functions so that you don’t have to use data or be connected to Wifi.

If you need further proof that reading from sites offline is the way to go, check out Chris Bolin’s Offline Only page. A friend sent the link to me, and I was immediately intrigued. When you go to the site, you’ll see the screen below.

It’s worth taking a look at what Mr. Bolin has to say about reading offline. The post will take you about two minutes to read, but it can transform your relationship with the internet. You can use this site to make unplugging a habit instead of just a novelty.

Going offline promotes inner peace

I didn’t realize how frazzled I felt all the time until Offline Only forced me to disconnect. For two solid minutes, I was focused on the words in front of me. I didn’t nervously click to other tabs or jump to notifications. I simply took in the words and felt my mind relax.

Being forced to unplug helped me connect to the present moment. This brief window of mindfulness helped me recognize that I needed to change the way I interacted with the internet.

It was so satisfying to be able to step away from all the static of modern life and allow myself commit my attention fully to one thing. We are all capable of doing this. Even those of us who stay online for work can benefit from stepping away from the internet once in a while.

Use the concept of going offline in other aspects of your life

Unplugging from technology can radically change the way that you experience life. When you make the conscious choice to silence your phone and stop answering emails after hours, you give yourself the gift of the present.

I’ll admit that I get frustrated when I see a group of friends or a family at lunch together spending more time looking at their phones than talking to each other. Whenever you allow a notification to disrupt an in-person conversation, you send the other person the message that the notification is more important than they are. You miss out on the possibilities that come with being in the moment.

Our personal relationships and our work benefit from taking time away from the internet. The more often you use sites like Offline Only to practice focus, the more you strengthen neural pathways in your brain related to concentration. You can undo the damage of years of mindless internet-surfing by adjusting to a lifestyle which revolves more around the quality of your attention than the quantity of items you view online in a day.

Every distraction costs you time that you can’t get back

A recent study found that the average worker gets interrupted once every three minutes and five seconds. A person can lose an astonishing 6.2 hours of productivity to the process of being interrupted, working to refocus, correcting errors from disruptions, and battling exhaustion from being so distracted.[2] Many of these disruptions are likely the result of unnecessary notifications that you can easily switch off.

Don’t squander the here and now through mindless scrolling. Practice focusing every day. Build the habit of being mindful and unplugging with Offline Only, and you’ll be amazed at how much your work and relationships will improve.


The post “You Must Stay Offline To Read This” Offers You A Peaceful Place to Stay Focus and Read appeared first on Lifehack.

Use "Scannable" So You Can Live A Paper- Free Life From Now On

While the digital age is trying to turn most things electronic, we still can’t escape the paper trails we need to keep and file away such as tax forms, business cards, receipts, insurance forms and various instructions or manuals.

The problem with still having papers to keep comes with the gradual pile-up and keeping on top of each document’s relevance over time. Even if you file them in an orderly fashion, they can soon take up space and be a pain to find.

Using a scanner is one solution, but waiting until you can find one available and then having the time-consuming job of organising them into different files can be a frustrating task.

The App to Help Solve Your Paper Problems

There is a simple solution to avoid your paper and scanning woes and it comes in the form of an app called Scannable. This app is completely free to download and install on your phone allowing you to scan wherever and whenever you like.

The beauty of Scannable is that it links directly to Evernote making it much easier to instantly organise your paper documents. But if Evernote isn’t your go-to organisational platform, it comes with different export features meaning you can email your documents to whatever storage portal you use. Just scan, send and the documents will automatically export as jpeg or PDF.

How Scannable Can Help in Daily Life

One example of how Scannable can make your life much easier is with business cards. If we’re networking, business cards can start to pile up and while they’re useful, we don’t necessarily need then straight away – rather we tend to keep them for future use. Just point your camera, take a snap and Scannable will automatically rotate, crop and adjust the image to make it as clear as possible.

With Scannable, you’re not only able to scan the business card as a digital copy, it will also directly connect to the person on Linkedin. This will eliminate even the need for keeping and organising various business cards while giving you the ability to instantly stay connected.

You also have the ability to pass on documents to other members of your team. If you think a business card will be of particular use to a client or department, you can digitally send it over to them instead of physically handing it to them when you next see them. Equally, it stops the chance of it collecting dust in the bottom of your draw and being forgotten altogether.

Not only do you have the option to simply email or text the scan to your recipient, it also allows you to send it via email or text, or export it as PDF and JPG files. This can be done using Evernote or any other app you prefer to use.

So having this handy app will not only create physical space and get rid of the need for paper, it will give you peace of mind that everything is saved and organised ready for your future reference.

The post Use “Scannable” So You Can Live A Paper- Free Life From Now On appeared first on Lifehack.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Believing in the Perfect Love Is the Greatest Relationship Killer

The perfect couples know everything about each other completely. They can read each other’s minds. They always agree with each other. They want exactly the same things in life. They want to do the same thing, all the time. And they never fight. This is the perfect couple who is always happy.

But that’s just a fantasy.

Expecting this to be your relationship is unrealistic. Even if you have held this idea in your mind for years, maybe you’ve already suspected that something is wrong with this image. Life is full of changes and challenges. Somehow, many couples – young and old – fall into the trap that there’s a “perfect relationship” out there.

The Downside of a Relationship Is Always Hidden

Why does everyone believe this? People tend to set unrealistic expectations for what their partners should be like. These magical ideas start when they are little kids.

In fairy tales and animated Disney films, the prince saves the princess. They are soulmates, who know each other immediately and thoroughly. Their love stories are perfectly idealized. No fights and no challenges arise along the way. Romantic comedies are the same way. The couple always gets together at the peak of happiness, and then they live together happily ever after. Roll credits. You don’t get to see the aftermath: when the couple still loves each other, but they have to deal with disagreements and live through big challenges.

Parents also set perceptions of what makes a good partner. We have strongly ingrained cultural expectations of what a “boyfriend,” “girlfriend,” “husband,” or “wife” should be like. That’s hard to shake! For example, your mother may have told you that “boys will be boys” – husbands tend to be cold and distant and therefore you should expect and accept that in your relationships. While that might save you trouble at the beginning, down the road, this complacent attitude can only build resentment and unhappiness.

People also compare their relationships to those of others all the time. That’s easier than ever to do with Facebook and Instagram. Your friends probably talk a lot about the “perfect” things that their partners do for them. People want to share the good in their lives, not the bad. But relationships on social media are filtered. All you see are the special date nights, the engagements, and the vacation photos. Nobody posts photos of their fights and loneliness. It’s important to remember that everyone has different relationship experiences. Comparison on this front is simply meaningless.

People Make Unrealistic Expectations to Create the Perfect Love

As a result of all these learned expectations, people want to mold their partners into their ideal version. But based on unrealistic expectations, they will make demands that just don’t work. And then, when the partner can’t meet their expectations, they demand more and more, thinking that it’s supposed to be “love” that makes their dreams come true.

One common mistake that women and men make is that their partners can “read their minds” and meet their needs without saying anything. But this is not just uncommon, it’s impossible. Without realizing that this is an unrealistic expectation, they will constantly feel disappointed by their partners and conclude that they should keep seeking for the one that can best fit in a relationship.

It’s easy to think that “love” will solve all the problems. People attribute disappointment to “lack of love” or “we’re not really meant to be together.” These couples who think this way will then break up and move on to another relationship. And they’ll take the same behaviors with them.

They hope to find someone who can fit their mold. But what they don’t realize is that their expectations are just unrealistic. They will end up getting stuck in the same loop of relationships.

Make Your Relationship Down to Earth

A down-to-earth relationship doesn’t mean it’s not special. Everyone’s love story is unique because of both the upside and downside the couple experiences together. A realistic relationship can be healthy even though it’s not perfect. Try the following steps to make your love life happier.

1. List out all of your expectations.

Write down each of your expectations, starting each sentence with “I expect him/her to…” You don’t need to justify any of your expectations. The point here is to be honest with yourself.

Examples: “I expect him to know that I’m sad even when I don’t tell him how I feel.” Or “I expect her to adjust to my schedule changes without ever getting upset.” Anything that’s honest and true should go on this list.

2. Review your list.

Now is the time to bring judgment back into the equation. Read through your list and cross out anything that you haven’t fulfilled yourself. For example, ask yourself: Is it actually realistic to ask your partner to hang out with you for hours every day, when he/she has a demanding job? Do you always hang out with him/her when you’re busy with work or school?

3. Switch the position with your partner and look at the list again.

Go through the list another time. Now, instead of asking if you can fulfill the expectations, think more carefully about whether he/she can. Just because you can live up to some expectations doesn’t mean your partner can, too. Maybe you’re an obsessive cleaner, but your partner only cleans once a week or so. Is it realistic to ask him/her to clean every day, or as often as you do?

This will pare down your list even more, leaving only the truly reasonable expectations behind.

4. Spell out your expectations to your partner.

The best you can do is to explicitly state your expectations to your partner. Talk about challenges in meeting each other’s expectations. Then compromise and refine those expectations so that both of you can be happy.

Remember that fantasy of the perfect couple? It was never real and never will be. A realistic relationship is full of challenges and it takes compromises. Stop chasing for the perfect relationship. Unrealistic expectations on your partner sabotage not only your partner, but yourself and your relationship.

Featured photo credit: Photo by Eric Alves on Unsplash via

The post Believing in the Perfect Love Is the Greatest Relationship Killer appeared first on Lifehack.

The Fear of Missing out Has Been Around Forever Even Without the Social Media

FOMO, the Fear Of Missing Out was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. It has been a popular concept for the last decade or so—largely because of the corresponding rise of social media.

Many people are now linking FOMO and social media but FOMO isn’t a new concept. It’s been around since almost the dawn of time.

Before social media, you were afraid of missing out. The insecurity of being left out was strong when a friend didn’t invite you to a party, when you didn’t understand an inside joke of others, or when someone knew something you had never heard of.

Humans Are Designed to Fear Missing Out

Consistent inclusion makes people feel safe. Humans were designed to live together in communities.

Imagine you are on a scout team. The scout team goes into a jungle, but leaves you behind. As they build a camp together, you’re left alone. How do you feel?

Probably lonely. You feel as if you’re not needed and easy to forget about. You have no value. Because you’re alone with the elements, you understand there’s a degree of danger to the situation. It’s scary.

Sticking together is safe. Being left out is insecure. This perception is reinforced when people have got in touch with the social media. Social media has made this worse but it didn’t create it. Now people have a desire to not get left out both digitally and in the real world, that’s how the problem has compounded.

Chasing for Inclusion Intensifies the Fear

FOMO creates an overwhelming situation socially. If you seek to never be left out, you will always pursue friends’ gatherings, every single piece of information, all the inside jokes, etc. It becomes too much. Your energy drains, and you lose time and effort towards other projects, relationships, and work. The only thing you get from chasing an end to FOMO is a sense of instant gratification for being “in the know” or “never left out.” That chase, however, has no end in sight. It’s exhausting.

It also creates a context where your self-esteem can become based on the approval of others, which is dangerous. Most people don’t have the attention to pay to the entire social sphere, online or in-person, so you’ll always be left out of events or info here and there because it would be impossible to always be included. But if your self-esteem is tied up in others’ approval, those moments when you are left out will hurt even more. You can begin to question your basic value.

The Joy of Missing Out

Think on life like this: how worthy you are depends on two things. (1) is what you do and (2) how you contribute. Your self-worth cannot be tied to missing out on the events of others. Think about what you want for yourself, not what others want for themselves.

When you’re clear about what you want, the things you miss out on tend to be less important. What you have missed out will no longer hold on to you.

To experience the joy of missing out, you need to realize that your own worth comes from within. You are the only person you can control. Approve yourself and make the security come from within. The fear of missing out will no longer haunt you when you feel safe with what you have within.

One of the first rules of building self-esteem is to focus on improving yourself but never expect perfection. You need to start weaning yourself off your bad habits and onto new ones. View life through a prism of “progress not perfection.” Perfection is unattainable for almost all of us. But progress at the aspects of life you care about—relationships, health, your profession, financial literacy, etc.—is possible. Try to track where you are week-to-week and month-to-month. As you see progress, you will begin to feel better about yourself. Try saving $10 one week, then $15 the next week, then $20. In a year, you’ll be trying to save $500+ per week. Progress.

As you build self-esteem through these methods and take care of you, the need for FOMO will slip away.

Read more about how to boost your self-esteem: We Don’t Need More Likes, We Need Self-Esteem

Featured photo credit: Pixabay via

The post The Fear of Missing out Has Been Around Forever Even Without the Social Media appeared first on Lifehack.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Best Date Night Movies That Guys Will Enjoy Just As Much As Girls

Watching a movie is a great way to spend time with your significant other, but not all movies are created equally.

We go to the movies to be entertained, but that doesn’t mean that we watch films just for laughs. Good movies can inspire conversation and deepen the connection that we have with one another. The key is to find films that will be meaningful for both you and your partner.

But oftentimes, couples have different interests, which can make picking the perfect movie a challenge. My boyfriend loves sci-fi films such as Star Trek. I prefer films based on history, like The Pianist.

We respect each other’s taste in cinema, and we like to find movies that will be meaningful for both of us. A film like the 2004 version of The Phantom of the Opera directed by Joel Schumacher is an excellent choice for us. It has all the beauty and magic of a theatre production, the aesthetic appeal of historical films, elements of the supernatural, and it also compels us to think about the nature of love itself.

Even though you and your partner may prefer different film styles and themes, there are certain movies that are almost guaranteed to be meaningful for both of you.

I’ve compiled 15 of my favorite films to watch with a partner into a list so that you can spend more time enjoying good movies and less time scouring Netflix for the perfect film.

1. Couples Retreat

When Jason and Cynthia realize their marriage is in trouble, they decide to go on a couples’ retreat in paradise. The retreat is available for a special group rate, so they invite their six closest friends. The three couples traveling with them assume that they will be able to have a relaxing vacation, but the retreat center requires all participants to partake in all the activities. Couples Retreat (2009) follows four couples as they are placed in awkward and hilarious situations.

Although this film is a comedy, it encourages viewers to take stock of their own relationships. This movie reinforces that no relationship is perfect or easy. Happy couples put lots of effort into making sure that their relationship grows and flourishes. Watching this movie is an opportunity to get a few laughs, but it will also offer you space to discuss things that you can do to make your relationship stronger.

Check out Couples Retreat for your next movie night.

2. Date Night

A bored couple decides that they’d like to have a romantic date. When they are unable to get a table at a swanky New York restaurant, the husband decides to be spontaneous and takes another couple’s reservation. A case of mistaken identity leads the jaded couple on the wildest night of their life.

Date Night (2010) will keep you laughing and hold you in suspense as the pair work to outsmart their pursuers. When a relationship is boring, it often means that the couple hasn’t had to work to overcome challenges together. This movie might encourage you and your boyfriend to be more spontaneous.

Add some humor and adventure to your evening with Date Night.

3. Alfie

Jude Law plays a limo driver who likes to womanize. He has a series of one-night stands, which only serve to harm the people he cares about the most. Alfie realizes that his actions affect the lives of others.

Alfie (2004) encourages people to think about the way that they treat one another. Playing the field may seem tempting, but it can damage lives. Couples will walk away from this one remembering the importance of being honest and staying committed and faithful to one another.

Watch Alfie on your next date.

4. That Thing You Do!

When the drummer from a local band breaks his arm before a talent show, Guy Patterson fills in. Guy increases the tempo of the band’s song, which spurs their journey to stardom. Being famous takes its toll on the bands’ relationships.

That Thing You Do! (1996) shows people struggling to find their footing and stay connected in the face of fame. Even though you and your boyfriend may not grapple with the pressures of fame, life will challenge you to grow together and follow your heart. This movie shows us the consequences of unfaithfulness and the rewards of loyalty in relationships.

That Thing You Do! will remind you to stay strong together no matter what life throws your way.

5. Begin Again

Greta and her boyfriend, Dave, move to New York to write songs together and pursue careers in music. When Dave lands a record deal, he becomes entangled in the lifestyle of a famous musician, leaving Greta to sort out her life. Greta encounters another person looking for a fresh start.

Watching Begin Again (2013) will give you and your boyfriend a chance to talk about how the past does not have to define you. You can learn from your experiences and look forward to a future with amazing possibilities.

Watch Begin Again to get swept up in the romance of helping each other grow.

6. Lost in Translation

When aging actor, Bob Harris, travels to Tokyo to endorse a brand of whiskey, he’s in the midst of a midlife crisis. He meets Charlotte, a newlywed who has been left at the hotel while her husband works as a celebrity photographer. Bob and Charlotte strike up a friendship at the bar and come to know one another over the course of their stay.

The protagonists in Lost in Translation (2013) find out what’s important to them when they’re placed in an unfamiliar environment. People can be drawn together through interesting circumstances. This film is thoughtful and endearing. Couples can think about what they value about one another as they follow this story.

Watch Lost in Translation to appreciate that your bond with your partner may not always be what others expect, but it works for you.

7. Juno

When the teenage Juno becomes pregnant, she decides that she wants to give her baby up for adoption. She finds prospective parents for her baby and gets to know them before the child’s birth. Juno (2007) follows a pair of teenagers and a married couple as they learn what real love is.

This movie asks its audience to think about what true love and dedication look like. Everyone has an idealized concept of how relationships should be, but they’re usually much more complicated. Juno is about people owning their truth—even if it’s scary. In your own relationship, it can offer you a chance to reaffirm your commitment, boundaries, and feelings.

Watch Juno on movie night to enjoy a quirky romance and remember that love can be complicated.

8. About Time

When Tim’s father reveals that he can travel in time, he vows to find a girlfriend. Time travel comes with its own set of complexities, but in spite of all this, Tim must learn to use his gift to make the most of his life with the woman he loves.

About Time (2013) is a feel-good film, which is sure to entertain you and your boyfriend. Together you can wonder about what, if anything, you’d change if you could travel back in time.

Take a walk down memory lane after you watch About Time with your partner.

9. 50 First Dates

50 First Dates (2004) follows the story of Henry Roth, a man who lives and works in Hawaii. He has a series of flings before falling in love with Lucy Whitmore. Lucy suffers from a form of short-term memory loss that makes her forget everything from the previous day, including Henry. Henry is so dedicated to her that he has to find ways to introduce himself to her every day.

This film has all the humor and campiness that you’d expect from an Adam Sandler movie, but it also has a powerful message for couples. Henry’s willingness to go to extreme lengths to help Lucy remember him is an expression of true love. You and your partner can reflect on what you would be willing to do to help one another in an extreme situation like this.

Think about how far you’d be willing to go to help your partner when you watch 50 First Dates.

10. The Holiday

Two women, one suffering from unrequited love, and the other facing a break up, switch homes over Christmas. Their holiday plans take them to opposite sides of the Atlantic, and give them the opportunity to find love.

Love in real life, just like in The Holiday (2006), often involves a series of improbable circumstances that bring people together. You’ll not only be charmed by this film, but you and your boyfriend can also talk about the way that you found one another.

Watch The Holiday and think about the happiness you’ve found with your partner in spite of previous heartaches.

11. One Day

Dexter and Emma have a one-night stand on the night of their college graduation. One Day (2011) revisits each of them on the anniversary of that event for several years. Their friendship is on-again off-again, but after many years they realize the roles that they play in each others’ lives.

Relationships can be complicated, and One Day does a great job of showing the ways that people can grow together and apart. During the course of your relationship, you will encounter circumstances that unify your partnership and those that threaten to dismantle your bond. This film is about the importance of staying present and maneuvering through all of life’s challenges to find what is truly important.

Think about what brought you together and how you’ve changed one another’s lives when you view One Day together.

12. The Tourist

Frank Tupelo takes a trip to Europe, where he meets the irresistible Elise. A case of mistaken identity leaves Frank with more than he bargained for in this fast-paced action and romance.

The Tourist (2010) is full of twists and turns that will keep you engaged from start to finish. The film demonstrates that not everything is as it appears. If you and your boyfriend want to step away from romantic comedies for something more serious and action-packed, this is the one for you.

Watch The Tourist when you want to watch a romance full of action and plot-twists.

13. 500 Days of Summer

Tom is a hopeless romantic who falls for Summer. Summer doesn’t believe in love or relationships, but the two date for over a year. When Summer abruptly calls off their relationship, Tom is forced to reflect on their time together and his understanding of love.

500 Days of Summer (2009) is a thought-provoking look at what love feels like. You and your boyfriend can enjoy this emotional and hopeful story. You’ll get the opportunity to think about your journey together as you experience Tom and Summer’s story.

Watch 500 Days of Summer together to think about what love means for both of you.

14. The Break-Up

Brooke and Gary decide that it’s time to split, but neither of them are willing to move out of the home that they share. Since they refuse to leave the condo, they grudgingly continue to live under the same roof. They are both bitter, which leads them to do a series of things to annoy one another.

The Break-Up (2006) offers us a look at the darker side of love. This drama puts its protagonists in comedic situations that help them understand their roles in each others’ lives. You’ll get a few laughs, but you and your boyfriend may also gain an appreciation for the way that you work together and accept imperfections.

The Break-Up is funny, but it will also make you think about how you communicate with each other.

15. Love & Other Drugs

Jamie is a womanizing pharmaceutical rep trying to climb the corporate ladder. He meets his match when he encounters Maggie, who refuses to be tied down by a boyfriend. Despite their attitudes about relationships, the pair end up getting together. Over the course of the film, we learn the reason for Maggie’s reluctance to be attached to anyone.

You and your partner will enjoy Love & Other Drugs (2010) because the film asks you to think about what matters in your life. Even if you aren’t a wealthy pair, you can still find happiness together.

Check out Love & Other Drugs to think about what happiness will look like for both of you in the future.

Keep This List Handy!

The next time date night rolls around, you’ll have a list of 15 movies sure to bring you and your boyfriend closer together. Save this list to avoid wasting time scrolling through channels looking for meaningful entertainment.

Featured photo credit: Miguel Pires da Rosa via

The post The Best Date Night Movies That Guys Will Enjoy Just As Much As Girls appeared first on Lifehack.